My Stress Story:
In 1993, quite young and completely on my own financially, I began work for a company in which I knew that I would have a promising future. In my quest for financial security, my work needed to be my main focus in life. The rest of my life was put on hold in favor of climbing the ranks within the company and learning all that I could to prepare myself to purchase my own franchise which finally happened in 2006. The next 3 years were successful years. I was finally able to enjoy the fruits of my labor, be a wife and a mother, and actually take a vacation. Life was good. I finally felt secure! In 2009 it all began to change. Consumer spending (key to the success of my business) was dropping drastically and our parent company had changed hands putting the franchisees under new leadership. The direction of the new management had very little to do with partnering with its franchisees and became more focused the survival of the parent company regardless of the cost to its franchisees. We were at their mercy, forced into ineffective advertising spending that we could not afford. We were able to hold strong as a company for a time, all the while watching one franchisee after another close their doors. I could see the writing on the wall but just couldn't bring myself to give up on the business I worked so hard to build. I poured everything into the business for the next 2 years- money, time, more money and more time. I had no joy, limited happiness, was going further into debt and my health began suffering. Finally the day came where I couldn't walk and could barely breathe. Certain that I was at death's door; I went to my general practitioner stating that I needed to get an MRI. He said I needed "anti-anxiety" medication due to the tremendous strain I was under at work. I disagreed. It's my body, right? Anxiety and depression as a diagnosis was simply out of the question. The doctor indulged me with the scan and it revealed, as my doctor expected, nothing. I was, in fact, suffering from anxiety and depression but not ready to accept the diagnosis or the medication. After several more days of serious physical symptoms, I finally took the anti-anxiety medication and, much to my amazement had instant relief.
I quickly became reliant on the medication to get me through my continued struggle to save my business. Finally, in 2011 after watching 30 plus of my fellow franchisees give up, and knowing there were many more to follow, I knew it was now my turn. I closed those doors for the last time with such a heavy heart.
That chapter in my life needed to be closed. I no longer wanted to rely on those pills to get me through the day, so I began to seek out alternatives which would allow me to be more alert, more in control of my destiny. I attended many classes, consulted with counselors but it wasn't until I was introduced to Access Consciousness that the veil was lifted. Access Consciousness has provided me with the tools I need to open all the possibilities in my life. Using those tools has led me to a better life, a life free of the need for medication to control feelings of anxiety, a life where I become aware of new possibilities every day.
My days are now spent helping others to find relief from stress. I would like to help you in your journey to finding relief from those stresses in your life that are keeping you from moving forward. Let's work together to lighten your life.
With Gratitude,